Nangodi Institute is an independent non-profit research institute. We operate comfortably in the social and natural sciences as well as humanities and our staff have training in the research methods and analysis skills necessary to make them not only assets in the data collection process but collaborators from initial concept through publication of results. We have interviewed, surveyed, experimented, and collected natural samples and look forward to doing more of each to improve out understanding of life in the West Sudanian savanna. If you are interested in large country-wide projects, there are excellent research institutes in Accra and Ouagadougou better positioned for this kind of work. If, on the other hand, you have a moderately sized project that involves cases in Northern Ghana and/or Southern Burkina Faso (the lands claimed by decedents of Tohazie), you might find Nangodi Institute’s intimate regional knowlege and connections, low overhead, and professionalism the perfect combination. We have done small projects involving a single researcher and bigger projects utilizing fifty enumerators. Below are testimonials from scholars we have worked with in the past.
“I worked with the Nangodi Institute in the context of a project on governance and security in Burkina Faso, and I had a great experience. I'm so grateful to the logistics support they provided and look forward to working with the Institute again.” |